≪Hatsumode Spot≫ Nishiarai Daishi (Sojiji Temple)

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≪Hatsumode Spot≫ Nishi-Arai Daishi Sojiji Temple

© Nishiarai Daishi (Sojiji Temple)

Nishiarai Daishi Temple, one of the three major apotropaic daishi temples in the Kanto region

【Number of visitors on January 1st – 3rd】About 400,000 people

【Divine Favor】good-luck, warding off evil

Nishiarai Daishi Temple, its formal name is Gochisan Henjoin Sojiji, is a Buddhist temple of the Buzan branch of the Shingon Sect.

It is said that it was founded by Kobo Daishi in 826, and it is one of the three major apotropaic daishi temples in the Kanto region.

In the Edo era it was known as a women’s praying place for warding off evil, and now a lot of people pray for warding off evil, and pray good-luck both of men and women.


Event Name ≪Popular spots of the first prayer of the new year≫ Nishiarai Daishi (Sojiji Temple)
Venue Nishiarai Daishi (Sojiji Temple)
Dates December 31, 2020 – February 3, 2021
Open Hours ≪Opening time≫
【December 31】 6:00-
【January 1】 0:00-24:00
【January 2-3】 6:00-23:00
【January 4-7】 6:00-22:00
≪Good luck charm sales time≫
【January 1】 0:00-22:00
【January 2-3】 8:00-22:00
【January 4-7】 8:00-21:00
Address 1-15-1 Nishiarai Adachi-ku, Tokyo

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